Global Absence Management

otherwise referred to as PTO – Paid Time Off, a global service solution from xplorHR that finally resolves this challenge for our clients.

Are you tired of inefficient and ad-hoc absence administration processes?  Look no further.  We are thrilled to introduce xplorHR`s new global solution for Absence Management, designed to support our clients' global payroll delivery and simplify absence management.

The Challenge: Absence Management and Payroll

For the past 20 years, we've frequently heard the question of why there isn't a universal payroll system that seamlessly integrates absence management. Although this is primarily an HR concern, the strong connection between employee absences and payroll is undeniable.

The Current Situation: Patchwork Solutions and Compliance Issues

Global companies often struggle with implementing and sustaining comprehensive systems for managing employee absences. The initial financial investment and the complexities of configuring and adhering to local legislative regulations act as significant barriers. Consequently, ad-hoc methods like email-based requests and Excel spreadsheets become standard practice. This not only burdens HR administration teams with monthly processing tasks but also complicates long-term absence tracking, limiting their capacity to contribute strategically to the business.

Compounding these difficulties, local laws are increasingly stringent regarding employee absence management. The EU Working Time Directive is one notable example that mandates businesses to establish control mechanisms ensuring compliance by 2024. It's evident that organizations require an integrated solution to streamline their absence management efforts.

We're thrilled to introduce xplorHR's innovative Global Absence Management Solution,

Designed to revolutionize how organizations handle employee absences worldwide. Our online tool, complemented by a mobile application, seamlessly integrates with our global payroll delivery service. This solution empowers employees to view and request absences online while enabling managers to efficiently approve these requests.

Key Features:

Country Compliance: Our system incorporates robust country-specific compliance rules, effortlessly adapting to the legislative requirements of each country where your business operates.

Business Compliance: Your unique business rules are integrated into the solution at the individual country level, ensuring alignment with internal policies.

Centralized Oversight: Our dedicated team oversees and manages both local compliance and day-to-day absence management on your behalf. We ensure all pay period actions are accurately processed and provide comprehensive monthly management reporting.

Integration with Payroll: Absence-related actions are seamlessly integrated with our payroll teams, automating processes and reducing manual errors.

This solution is designed to optimize absence management, providing businesses with efficiency, compliance, and centralized control over their global workforce.

The Benefits: A Cost-Effective Solution

After years of searching for an everyday, cost-effective answer to the absence management challenge we are proud to provide our clients with a comprehensive solution. By leveraging xplorHR's Global Absence Management, companies can:

• Reduce administrative burdens on HR teams, freeing up valuable time and resources for strategic initiatives.

• Ensure compliance and adherence to local legislative rules, minimising the risk of penalties and legal complications.

• Improve transparency and efficiency in the absence request and approval process, fostering a positive employee experience.

• Seamlessly integrate absence management with payroll, ensuring accurate employee compensation.

If you would like to learn more about our Global Absence Management Services, please reach out to our team. We are here to support your HR and payroll needs with innovative solutions tailored to your organisation's requirements.


UK HR Update 2024